including men of every race, nationality and
religion. Wishing to do away with all cause
for division and strife, it continually seeks
the means which to help all human beings
to unite and work together for the
perfection of Humanity.
· Masonry, demands the utmost tolerance
from all members. It avoids political and
religious discussions wherever these
cannot be carried on with the requisite
tolerance and moderation; it welcomes
everyone who is upright, free,
of mature age, sound judgment
and strict morals, whatever may be his or
her convictions in matters of religion,
philosophy or politics.
· Masonry seeks to destroy ignorance under
whatever form, and its program may be
explained as follows:
· Each Mason owes obedience to the Order
and to the laws of his or her country;
he must live honorably, practice justice,
love his neighbor, work unceasingly
for the true happiness of humanity and
help human beings to emancipate
themselves from the thralldom
of passion and ignorance.
· From the first to the last, to whatever
degree the aspirant may desire
to be admitted, the first condition
to be fulfilled is to have a reputation
of unsullied honor and probity.
· Members of the Order owe
to each other help and support in
all circumstances and conditions of life.
· To think high, to speak truth, to do well,
to be tolerant to others, to search
after truth, to practice liberty under law,
fraternal equality, justice and solidarity,
are the duties which Masonry, prescribes
for its members seeking to build to
the Glory of the Great Architect
of the Universe, to the perfection
of Humanity
“To think high, to speak truth,
to do well, to be tolerant to others,
to search after truth, to practice liberty
under law, fraternal equality,
justice and solidarity, are the duties
which the Supreme Council of Masonry,
prescribes for its members”