현제 대한민국에는 4개의 랏지가 존재하고 있습니다. 상대적으로 적은 수의 멤버들이 활동하기에 4개의 랏지간에는 강한 친목관계를 유지하고 있습니다.
Han Yang Lodge No. 1048(서울), Lodge Pusan No. 1675(부산), and Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727(용산) 은 the Grand Lodge of Scotland 산하에 있습니다. 그리고 MacArthur Lodge No. 183 는 the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines에 의해서 개설이 되었습니다.
아래에 각 랏지의 정보가 있으니 참고하십시오.
There are currently four Masonic lodges meeting in the Republic of Korea. Because of the relatively small number of active masons in Korea, a strong fellowship exists between the four lodges. Han Yang Lodge No. 1048, Lodge Pusan No. 1675, and Lodge Harry S. Truman No. 1727 are on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. MacArthur Lodge No. 183 holds its charter from the Grand Lodge of Free and Accepted Masons of the Philippines. Below is some additional information about each lodge:
랏지부산 1675는 1973년 3월 3일 그랜드랏지 오브 스코틀랜드 산하에 의해 설립이 되었습니다.
매월 3째주 토요일에 랏지에서 비지니스 미팅을 가집니다.
문의가 있으신 분은 아래의 메일로 연락 주십시오.
Lodge Pusan No. 1675 was chartered on 3rd May 1973, on the Roll of the Grand Lodge of Scotland.
Lodge Pusan No. 1675 meets on 3rd Saturday each month. Contact the lodge secretary for further details.
Please contact us as below email.
Lodge Han Yang No.1048은 대한민국에서 가장 오래된 프리메이슨 단체로서 1908 년 11 월에 설립이 되어, 일제강점기, 제2차 세계대전 및 한국전쟁을 견디어내고 지금까지 명맥을 유지하고 있습니다.
우리 회원들은 한국 및 전 세계 각지에서 온 멤버로 구성이 되어 있으며, 우리 프리메이슨 랏지는 극동의 지구 그랜드 롯지의지도하에 스코틀랜드 규율을 따르는 랏지 입니다.
Lodge Han Yang No. 1048 is the oldest Masonic Lodge in the Republic of Korea. Consecrated in November of 1908 the Lodge has endured the Occupation of Japan, World War II and the Korean War. Our members come from Korea and around the world making our Lodge truly cosmopolitan. Our Lodge is a Scottish Constitution Lodge under the guidance of the District Grand Lodge of the Far East.
The Lodge meets on the second and fourth Wednesdays of each month at 7:30 pm. The Lodge meets in the Cheesman Room in the Seoul Club. Visiting Brethren are always welcome!
Website: lodgehanyang.com
Harry S. Truman Masonic Lodge was founded in 1979. Harry S. Truman is a Scottish Constituted Lodge under the Charter of the Grand Lodge of Scotland. The lodge building is located nearby Pyeongtaek City. Meetings are usually followed by harmony in the Keystone Lounge.
Lodge Truman meets on the first and third Thursdays of every month at 7:00pm and usually holds special meetings on the second Saturday of the month.
Website: www.trumanlodge1727.com
Email: secretary@trumanlodge1727.com
MacArthur Lodge No. 183, chartered in 1964, is the only Masonic Lodge of the Most Worshipful Grand Lodge of the Philippines in operation on the Korean Peninsula. Morning Calm Lodge No. 189 merged with MacArthur Lodge No. 183 in 1996. All constituent lodges of the Grand Lodge of the Philippines work a form of the American Webb Ritual, closely aligned to Californian forms. Consequently, lodges open in the third degree, and conduct normal lodge business at separate meetings.
MacArthur Lodge #183 meets on the Yongsan U.S. Army Garrison in Seoul. Meetings take place on the second and fourth Tuesday of each month at 6:30pm. Special meetings are also held on some Saturday mornings for degree work.
Website: www.macarthur183.net
Email: thewebmaster@macarthur183.net